O potencial da inteligência artificial para o desenvolvimento e competitividade das empresas: uma scoping review

Translated title of the contribution: The potential of artificial intelligence for the development and competitiveness of companies: a scoping review

Beatriz Rodrigues, António Andrade

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



Over the past few years AI has undergone a significant evolution, which is impossible to go unnoticed today. This technology is not only impacting, sometimes silently, the daily life of the entire population, but also the business world, leading to new ways of performing each function and even causing new professions to emerge. The present study seeks to clarify what are currently the main applications of AI for business, what implications this use causes, and what benefits companies can expect over the next few years if they start implementing intelligent systems in their most diverse areas. Through a literature review that adopted the scoping review approach, we sought to identify, in the published literature, what is the potential of AI for the development and competitiveness of companies, identifying and grouping, in a clear and rigorous manner, the main advantages and implications of the use of AI in management. AI is currently proving to be a technology capable of taking organizations to a new level, making them more competitive in the market and enabling value creation, whether through its ability to assist employees, allowing productivity increases, by improving the consumer experience or even in predicting and solving problems. However, in order to take advantage of all the potential that AI has to offer, companies need a good adaptation strategy and, above all, a great ability to help their employees throughout the process, since implementing AI will inherently cause not only changes in the type of functions and jobs, but also in the skills required for each function. Not forgetting the great social uncertainty faced with the prospect of job cuts.
Translated title of the contribution The potential of artificial intelligence for the development and competitiveness of companies: a scoping review
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)381-422
Number of pages42
JournalGestão e Desenvolvimento
Issue number29
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2021


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Management
  • Competitiveness


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