Organização do conhecimento durante o processo de investigação: utilização do ATLAS.ti em duas teses de doutoramento

Luís Corujo, Jorge Revez, Carlos Guardado da Silva

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution



At the different stages of the research life cycle, the generation of new knowledge prompts the need to perform organizational tasks of this knowledge. At the same time, in each of the stages, the knowledge generation itself depends on the support of knowledge organization tasks. This work intends to discuss the organization of knowledge during scientific research processes. Based on two distinct research experiences, in Information Science area, which consubstantiate this as a multi-case study, the role of ATLAS.ti software in the processes of knowledge organization is problematized. This study starts from the questioning of the existence of interrelationships between Scientific Research, Technological Tools and Knowledge Organization, focusing on the potentialities of a tool that allows the empirical data to be worked out and analyzed. It aims to know the degree of intervention in the processes of organization of knowledge underlying research and the general contribution of this type of technological tools to scientific production. The reported cases demonstrate the existence of interrelations, since ATLAS.ti allows to work the empirical data and execute its analysis, shaping and facilitating mechanisms of knowledge organization, as iterative intellectual process. The product, that is, the database, which is being constructed from and in the hermeneutical unit, together with the memos that report the evolution of the process, can be used by others to reach other views, that is, to a different knowledge of the one who was struck by the one who built the first (kind of) knowledge. It is shown, therefore, that this use helps to manage and articulate the data during the investigative process, which will emerge one theory, materializing as new knowledge, that may give rise to future studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationActas del IV congreso ISKO España y Portugal
Place of PublicationSaragoça
PublisherSociedad internacional para la organización del conocimiento (ISKO)
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)9788409200658
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes
EventIV Congreso ISKO España y Portugal - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 11 Jul 201912 Jul 2019


ConferenceIV Congreso ISKO España y Portugal


  • Knowledge organization
  • Qualitative research
  • Software
  • Computer assisted/aided qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS)
  • ATLAS.ti


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