Ortega and Germany

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter will also try to expound the aims of Ortega’s three travels to Germany, where he studied Kant was trained in and Neokantian philosophy, and, at the end of the third journey, discovered the new philosophical “continent” represented by Husserlian phenomenology. As a young Neokantian, Ortega reinforced his conviction that European science and philosophy were the solutions for the evils affecting Spanish culture: as a backward nation, Spain had not yet attained the level of the universality of higher culture. However, the apparent difficulties of Neokantian-inspired thinkers to understand Spanish art caused in Ortega a change of mind. (His essays on the paintings of Ignacio Zuloaga will be analyzed in these contexts.) The chapter will end with a short approach to the “Prologue to Germans,” from 1934, where Ortega makes a mature appraisal of his indebtedness to German culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe philosophy of Ortega y Gasset reevaluated
EditorsCarlos Morujão, Samuel Dimas, Susana Relvas
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9783030792497
ISBN (Print)9783030792480, 9783030792510
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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