Out of Ordinary Bounds: Levels of Creativity and Self-Evaluation of Creativity by Domains of Portuguese Catholic University' Students

Research output: Types of ThesisMaster's Thesis


Considering the increasing demand for forms of creative thinking in school, social and organizational contexts, and taking into account the diversified development of instruments for evaluating creativity, it becomes urgent to characterize the levels of creativity and perception of creativity levels of students and to what extent the levels of creativity relate to their perception of their levels of creativity. The sample consists of 200 students of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University, 157 female (78.5%) and 43 male (21.5%), mostly first-year undergraduates (73.5%). The Test of Creative Thinking - Drawing Production (TCT-DP) and the Kaufman Creativity Domains Scale (K-DOCS) aim to evaluate, respectively, the levels of creativity and the students' perception of their levels of creativity by certain domains. As main results it is possible to highlight a significant correlation between the total level of creativity and the self-perception of artistic creativity. In addition, differences are found regarding the self-perception of creativity between men and woman, with men perceiving themselves as more creative than women. In future studies it would be useful to do the same study with a more diverse sample of students or even other samples, such as workers. Besides that, it would be useful to do the validation and adaptation study of K-DOCS for Portugal.
Original languageEnglish
  • Nogueira, Sara Ibérico, Supervisor
  • Almeida, Leonor, Co-supervisor
Award date4 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jan 2019


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