Paradigms of choice in manufacturing strategy: exploring performance relationships of fit, best practices, and capability-based approaches

Giovani J. C. da Silveira, Rui S. Sousa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

51 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: The paper sets out to test relationships between performance improvements and the three classical manufacturing strategy paradigms of fit, best practices, and capabilities defined by Voss. Design/methodology/approach: Regression analyses are carried out on an international sample of 697 manufacturers of fabricated metal products, machinery, and equipment. Findings: The results indicate that capability learning and best practices are positively related to performance improvements in quality, flexibility, and dependability, whereas internal fit appears to be negatively related to flexibility improvements. Research limitations/implications: The study reinforces the need for research to explore the nature and role of the three paradigms jointly rather than in isolation. In particular, more research is needed to assess the merits of maintaining fit between operations structure and processes. Practical implications: Improving performance in areas such as quality, flexibility, and delivery can be achieved through building capabilities and/or adopting best practices, but not apparently by maintaining internal fit between operations structure and processes. Originality/value: The study validates two of the three classical paradigms of manufacturing strategy and makes the case for research to further specify and test the merits of maintaining internal fit between operations structure and processes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1219-1245
Number of pages27
JournalInternational Journal of Operations and Production Management
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010
Event15th Annual International Conference of the European-Operations-Management-Association - Groningen, Netherlands
Duration: 15 Jun 200818 Jun 2008
Conference number: 15


  • Best practice
  • Operations management
  • Performance management


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