PARAPLEIN é preciso: os dramas de cenare domi segundo Marcial e Luciano

Translated title of the contribution: PARAPLEIN we must: the dramas of CENARE DOMI according to Marcial and Lucian

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



The parasite, driven by gluttony and laziness, surfaced very early in the literature
of Classical Antiquity, reflecting a type common to various societies and eras. The constant interaction between literature and society, epitomised by the Comedy, but also evident in the permanent influence of the Homeric poems, generated philosophical debates and fixed in the memory parasitic figures, of which the Greek kolax and the Roman parasitus stand out. The changes in Roman society brought about by the advent of the imperial regime, along with the prevalence of wealth and luxury, created new contexts for the parasite, namely by devaluing the traditional status of the cliens and turning an invitation to dine with someone rich and powerful into a life purpose. In very close times, the satirical authors Martial and Lucian of Samosata reflected in a convergent way on this socially imposed and passively accepted slavery (seruitium), elaborating a sort of tragic-comic pathology of the Vrbs (Damon 1997), and emphasizing that only detachment and sobriety would bring freedom.
Translated title of the contributionPARAPLEIN we must: the dramas of CENARE DOMI according to Marcial and Lucian
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationMesa dos sentidos aos sentidos da mesa
EditorsCarmen Soares, Bruno Laurioux, Anny Silveira
Place of PublicationCoimbra
PublisherImprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
ISBN (Electronic)9789892620602
ISBN (Print)9789892620626
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameDiaita: Scripta & Realia
ISSN (Print)2183-6523


  • Kolax/parasitus
  • Clientela
  • Martial
  • Lucian of Samosata


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