Percepciones de los maestros de la ensañaza sobre la inclusión: datos preliminares

Paulo Dias, Ana Rita Leal, Julián Diáz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



Background: In the promotion of an Inclusive School, teachers have a central role in the management of processes and resources to meet students‘ specific needs. This paradigm shift took place in a short period of time and without specific continuous training and research. Method: This research seeks to understand teachers‘ perceptions about inclusion and the factors that appear to be associated with these, using the questionnaire My Thinking About Inclusion (Stoiber, Gettinger & Goetz, 1998), with 118 teachers. Results: The results show no differences by gender or education level, as there is no relationship with age, academic qualifications or length of service. Correlations were found only between lifelong learning in the field of special education and general perceptions about inclusion and classroom practices. Conclusions: The results suggest significant challenges for inclusion and training needs to promote collaboration, time management and parental involvement.
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationAvances en ciencias de la educación y del desarrollo
EditorsTamara Ramiro-Sánchez, Mª Teresa Ramiro, Mª Paz Bermúdez
PublisherAsociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC)
ISBN (Print)9788469721032
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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