Politropia e itinerância: Ulisses e o final da idade heróica

Translated title of the contribution: Polytrotropy and itinerancy: Odysseus and the end of the heroic age

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



Under the pretext of a tension between phýsis / nómos, we proposed to
revisit, through the experience of polytropy of Ulysses, the peculiar Homeric worldliness; we contrasted the poetic sphere of the Odyssey with Telegony’s cyclical accounts, where the latest adventures and the death of Ulysses occur as a prelude to the end of the heroic age.
Translated title of the contributionPolytrotropy and itinerancy: Odysseus and the end of the heroic age
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationCasas, património, civilização. Nomos versus physis no pensamento grego
EditorsMaria do Céu Zambujo Fialho, Maria das Graças de Moraes Augusto, Maria de Fátima Silva
Place of PublicationCoimbra
PublisherImprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
ISBN (Electronic)9789892618395
ISBN (Print)9789892618388
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2019


  • Homer
  • Odyssey
  • Nómos
  • Phýsis
  • Polytropy
  • Telegony


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