Post-pandemic changes in the consumption habits of the Portuguese

Alexandre Duarte*, Patrícia Dias

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on all dimensions of our individual lives and of our societal functioning. At first, changes were immediate and radical, and were expected to be temporary. However, in Portugal, as in many other European countries, the population faced two prolonged lockdown period, and restrictive measures of social distancing are still in place. Instead of wishing to "go back to normal," coping with the COVID-19 pandemic became the "new normal." The aim of this study is to identify consistent and permanent changes in consumer behaviour that were triggered or motivated by the pandemic, and that consumers maintained even now, as they are resuming their daily activity. On this research the authors looked beyond that atypical consumption period and mapped the consumption habits of the Portuguese at current times. This study presents findings from an online survey to a stratified sample of the Portuguese population, according to age and geographical distribution of the zone of residence. Our findings revealed two opposing trends in consumer behaviour: consumers report increases and decreases in their consumption associated to a more indoors and less mobile lifestyle, such as consuming more telecommunications and internet, and less fuel; while at the same time reporting changes that indicate a retake of pre-COVID-19 habits, such as going more to restaurants, and to sports and culture events, and spending less on products for the hygiene and maintenance of the home. Concerning their relationship with brands, our respondents have reinforced their connection to brands online, particularly on social media platforms. Customers currently appreciate more brands that afford hedonistic experiences, that are emphatic and close, that are transparent and genuine, and, above all, that communicate values that they identify with.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPandemics and consumer behavior
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9798886972894
ISBN (Print)9798886972559
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2022


  • Brand relation
  • Buying changes
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Consumption habits
  • Post-pandemic


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