Projeto Ciência e Sociedade: promover a cidadania através da reflexão sobre aspetos éticos das Ciências da Vida

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract



The project Science and Society – promoting citizenship through the reflection on ethical issues in life sciences is the result of the established partnership between the Centre for Bioethics Research and the Research Centre for Sciences and Technology of the Arts, both belonging to the Portuguese Catholic University. The Project aims at developing the role that universities and research centres have in the knowledge society as well as their contribute to citizenship. This investment will be made simultaneously through science dissemination and the ethical reflection on science advancement. Therefore, being its horizon the motivation and involvement of Portuguese population in life sciences and its ethical issues, the project assumes as its specific objectives 1) to make a rigorous and systematic diagnosis of the different publics and their specific needs; 2) to innovate in science dissemination methodologies; 3) to develop significant multimedia and audiovisual contents and make them available through the diverse media; 4) to develop national and international networks with science dissemination as their goal (together with educational, media and museum entities); 5) to organize events to divulge the developed contents.
Original languagePortuguese
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event14th Cultural Cooperation Networks Creative Laboratory: 2CN-CLab 2016 “Comunicação e Divulgação de Ciência em Rede” - Porto, Portugal
Duration: 30 Nov 201630 Nov 2016


Conference14th Cultural Cooperation Networks Creative Laboratory

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