Propter nos homines et nostram salutem: ensaio de releitura do motivo da incarnação

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The question relative to the motive of incarnation has been seen in the history of theology in at least two manners: divinisation, which would be the angle of oriental theology; redemption of sin, which would be the predominant angle in the West. This essay, taking as a starting point the issues with regard to the soteriological question in M. Luther, R. Bultmann and K. Barth, seeks to understand the motive of incarnation starting from the notion of substitution, taking as references, on the one hand, the liturgy of Holy Saturday, and, on the other the hermeneutic contributions of D. Sölle and N. Hoffmann on substitution. In this manner, we gain a deeper understanding of the redeeming movement of the incarnate Word which supports itself in the experience of death as such, conquering death in the place of its triumph. The liturgy of Holy Saturday thus acquires a new range and relief not only in the celebration of the paschal mystery, but also as a stimulus to soteriology.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)215-230
Number of pages16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • Incarnation
  • Divinisation
  • Soteriology
  • Substitution

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