Recognizing a singular knowledge and wisdom: literary strategies of section Jb 38,1– 42,6

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper



This article presents an overall reading of the entire section of the book of Job (38.1– 42.6), using some meaningful contributions, gathered in previews studies of the composition of this section. By pursuing the process of biblical rhetorical analysis (composition, biblical context and interpretation) we were able in this final stage to emphasize some basic literary and thematic strategies, obtaining some new insights of understanding. First, the two pillars that literally support the narrative: the challenges and the answers and within them the experience of knowing what is unknown. Secondly, we achieved to justify that these literary characteristics lead to an understanding of God's intervention as an expression of a singular wisdom dynamism on God’s revelation. A dynamism that develops through the strategies of unfathomable knowledge, that turns able to point some traces of a wisdom understanding of the singularity of God
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventSeventh international conference. International Studies on Biblical & Semitic Rhetoric - Roma, Italy
Duration: 1 Jan 20201 Jan 2020


ConferenceSeventh international conference. International Studies on Biblical & Semitic Rhetoric


  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Challenges
  • Answers
  • Revelation


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