Reflectir contraditoriamente as contradições

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This paper aims to analyze some theses of Vasco de Magalhães-Vilhena regarding the problem of knowledge, namely, the so-called theory of the “refl ex”. The point of departure is the critic the author addresses to António Sérgio, whose philosophical position is correctly characterized as Neo-kantian Idealism.Magalhães-Vilhena aims to link the doctrine of the refl ex, inspired by the researchof the Russian physiologist I. Pavlov, to the concept of refl ection proposed byHegel in the Second Part of the Science of Logic. In this paper I question the legitimacy of this connection. At last, confronting the standpoint of Magalhães-Vilhena regarding gnosiological issues (whose corollary is the dependence of sense-datafrom physical stimuli) I propose an analysis of the phenomenon of knowledgebased in the principles of intentional analysis endorsed by Edmund Husserl.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)27-38
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Idealism
  • Doctrine of the reflex
  • Reflection
  • Intentionality

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