Relações familiares nas Igrejas Batistas de Viseu e de Tondela (1930-1945): uma análise de redes

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Protestant communities developed in Portugal essentially from the second half of the 19th century, establishing in the following decades a non-uniform and poorly structured capillary network, yet with a considerable territorial dissemination. Such a network was based in different types of sociabilities, but fundamentally in family units. Although Baptist churches, which began to expand from 1910s onwards, were created a little later than the other historical Protestant denominations, they followed the logic of their predecessors. Using as a case study the life of the Baptist churches of Viseu and Tondela, during a limited period (1930-1945), we seek to perceive the nature and abundance of family relations within these communities. To this purpose, we used the periodical O Semeador Baptista as the main source, applying to the collected data the methodology of Social Network Analysis, which is very often employed in diverse fields such as Sociology, Social Psychology, Anthropology, and in History, particularly in the studies of the contemporary period.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)101-124
Number of pages24
JournalRevista Teológica - Seminário Teológico Baptista
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


  • Churches
  • Network analysis

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