Repensar a prática profissional dos assistentes sociais em contexto escolar: impactos da COVID 19

Tatiane Valduga, Joana Brinca, Elisete Diogo, Isabel Muñoz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The transversality, of unpredictable consequences emanating from the emergence of the pandemic, is inscribed in material, socioeconomic, physical, and psychological dimensions. In the education and professional domain, implications are reflected, particularly on students, families and transformed professional dynamics. Aiming to identify professional practices of school social workers and health crisis’ impacts, a questionnaire is applied. The results present several constraints provoked by impositions to schools, namely the challenges of transferring and adapting to teleworking and distance learning, and the lack of answers adjusted to students and their family needs, that emerged and aggravated in this period. Conclusions point out that the present study does not exhaust the subject, suggesting future reflection and research to guarantee timely contingency plans more effective in the observance of the students and their families, mitigating the negative impacts of a crisis. The centrality of investing in prevention is emphasised, resulting in work with the community, which leads to its strengthening and sustainability for a possible emergency.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)64-84
Number of pages21
Issue number41
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • School social work
  • Professional practice
  • The pandemic

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