Reversão de aposentadoria de servidor público septuagenário: irretroatividade da Lei Complementar n° 152/2015

Translated title of the contribution: Reversal of retirement of septuagenarian public server: irretroatividade of Complementary law no. 152/2015

Diaulas Costa Ribeiro*, Kelle Lobato Costa Ribeiro

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



This study aims to analyze the irreversible state of a forced retirement of a member of the Public Prosecution of the Union, born on November 25, 1945, retired compulsorily, at seventy years of age, few days before the Complementary Law n° 152/2015 to come into force on 4 December, 2015. That Act extended from 70 to 75 years age for official permanency in office in the Brazilian public service, with the exception of Justices of the High Courts and the Justices of the Federal Audit Court, who had that prerogative under the terms of Article 40, paragraph 2, item II, of the Constitution of Federative Republic of Brazil, amended by Constitutional Amendment n° 88, 2015, which added Article 100 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act.

Translated title of the contributionReversal of retirement of septuagenarian public server: irretroatividade of Complementary law no. 152/2015
Original languagePortuguese
Issue number36
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Administrative law
  • Irreversibility of the compulsory retirement
  • Perfect juridical act
  • Public administration
  • Public prosecution
  • Septuagenary retirement


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