Rheology of supersaturated sucrose solutions

M. Quintas*, T. R. S. Brandão, C. L. M. Silva, R. L. Cunha

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69 Citations (Scopus)


Sucrose solutions, with concentrations near or superior to saturation, present high potentialities for the candy and pastry industries. Creep measurements under small stresses were done to obtain the rheological properties of highly concentrated sucrose solutions, since such solutions could be in a metastable state and tend to crystallise. The viscosities of these solutions, from 70.0% to 85.2% (w/w), were determined experimentally at different temperatures, from 0 to 90 °C. The temperature dependence of viscosity was studied using experimental and published data for, respectively, high and low concentrations (<70% (w/w)). Results showed that the Arrhenius model describes better the temperature dependence of viscosity for concentrations under saturation and in the high concentration regime the WLF model had a better predicting ability. The effect of concentration on viscosity was observed and included in the Arrhenius and WLF models' parameters. The proposed models were able to successfully describe the data in the corresponding concentration range. These results can be used in predicting the viscosities of syrups for either process design or new products formulation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)844-852
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Food Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006


  • Arrhenius and WLF models
  • Sucrose solutions
  • Temperature and concentration effects
  • Viscosity


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