Short film production in educational contexts: exploring the methodology of the Olhar pela Lente project in Portugal

Pedro Alves, Ana Sofia Pereira

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



Cinema’s pedagogical essence nurtures a variety of educational strategies. Beyond serving as a support to other areas of knowledge or as the subject of artistic analysis, it also provides students with a means to give – freely and significantly – voice to their own concerns and interests. Short film production in schools can offer a process for young people to deal with personal and social challenges, fostering a closer connection between them and their community and environment. Schools are natural habitats for this encounter – a place where film production can generate significant educational and cultural resonance. This paper reflects on the didactic potential of short film production in schools – as a key to fulfil formal and non-formal pedagogical goals – through the presentation and analysis of a recently implemented methodology for education through film: Olhar pela Lente, a project developed in Portugal during 2018.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-31
Number of pages19
JournalFilm Education Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2020


  • Film education
  • Short film production
  • Methodology
  • School
  • Olhar pela Lente


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