Soft tissue waxup and mock-up as key factors in a treatment plan: case presentation

Pedro Couto Viana*, André Correia, Manuel Neves, Zsolt Kovacs, Rudiger Neugbauer

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Rehabilitation of edentulous spaces in esthetic areas is a challenge to the clinician due to the loss of soft tissues. In these clinical situations, it would be desirable to evaluate and predict the gingival architecture to recover in the oral rehabilitation. To fulfill this need, the diagnostic wax should anticipate the final rehabilitation with the integration of hard and soft tissue. Thus, it is essential to produce a diagnostic waxup that integrates these two components that are simultaneously seeking to recreate the harmony of white and pink esthetic. This diagnostic waxup will be the basis for the creation of the provisional prosthesis and a soft tissue mock-up. After placing the provisional prosthesis in the mouth, the soft tissue mock-up can be applied to assess its esthetic impact at facial and intraoral level. Dentist and patient should objectively assess the appearance of the final result. After approval of this rehabilitation concept, the virtual surgical planning can be performed and the surgical guide can be designed, allowing the treatment to take place. This protocol allows the development of a rigorous treatment plan based on the integration of teeth and gingiva component. The waxup and the soft tissue mock-up play a significant role, since they allow an earlier evaluation of the esthetic result, better prosthetic and surgical planning, and it allows us to anticipate the need for gingiva-colored ceramics use. The authors present a clinical case report of the importance of the wax-up and soft tissue mock-up in the treatment plan.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)310-323
Number of pages14
JournalThe European journal of esthetic dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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