Sound design and music for theater: zoo story

Research output: Non-textual formVideo recording


An encounter takes place in an undefined space. The need for communication and understanding is affirmed, dispensing with rhetoric. From here on, the conflict written by Albee between the characters Peter and Jerry opens up to the audience. It is no longer one character looking for another, it is a group of people sitting in a theatre room, looking for a way to relate to a show. The only death is Jerry's, right at the end. Everything else is future. If Albee's work showed the involuntary encounter between two men who expose in their dialogue the isolation, segregation and dehumanization of modern societies, this creation sets out to work around the failure of the norm, seeking to find a salvation for human relationships in demystifying and exploring other ways of communicating.The spoken word is replaced by the gestured word, through the performance of two deaf interpreters, whose casting process began in February 2022 in a theatrical workshop directed to deaf interpreters, held at D. Maria II. Zoo Story is a proposal for the recognition of diversity as a space that facilitates encounters, while questioning the theatre that is stuck in dogma, in aesthetic and formal convention. A rare encounter between audiences who have different needs and expectations and who will recognize in the theatrical practice their space of representativity, affirmation and sense of belonging.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTeatro Nacional Dona Maria II
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022
EventTeatro Nacional D. Maria II - Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 6 Oct 202223 Oct 2022


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