Tópicos, histórias e vivências do Portugal mercantil e marítimo na Alemanha do século XVI

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



The Portuguese voyages and experiences did not go unnoticed in 15th and16th century Europe, namely in the Holy Roman-Germanic Empire. Thenarratives about the initiatives and endeavours of the Portuguese Crown innew worlds aroused curiosity and interest, giving rise to new fictional and‘possibly true’ narratives. In the wake of the fictious traveller and emissaryRafael Hitlodaeus in Thomas Morus’ Utopia, also German scholars willforge new stories and characters. With particular attention to a novel by JörgWickram, the article discusses the early modern appearance of merchants inart and literature in the context of how Portugal was seen and represented inlands beyond the Pyrenees.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationPortugal e a Europa nos séculos XV e XVI
Subtitle of host publicationolhares, relações, identidade(s)
EditorsPaulo Catarino Lopes
Place of PublicationLisboa
PublisherUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
ISBN (Electronic)9789899956735, 9789898492425
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameEstudos 21


  • Portugal history
  • German history
  • Travel writing
  • German literature

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