Tecnologia de produção do queijo Serpa DOP: tradição, inovação e fatores limitantes: parte 2

Helena Araújo-Rodrigues, Freni K. Tavaria*, Maria Teresa P. G. dos Santos, António P. L. Martins, João Dias, Nuno Alvarenga, Manuela Pintado

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The present review focuses on Serpa cheese technology, one of the traditional Portuguese 39 PDO cheeses, possessing unique organoleptic attributes and being widely appreciated by 40 the consumers. In the last decades, artisanal cheeses have been modernizing and 41 improving the technological processes in order to optimize the hygiene and safety 42 conditions. The use of raw ovine milk and vegetable coagulant (Cynara cardunculus L.) 43 in the Serpa cheesemaking process results in the development of a strong and exquisite 44 flavor, coupled with a semi-soft and creamy texture. However, the use of raw milk in 45 these products may raise some quality and safety issues, especially in markets which do 46 not allow exceptions to regulations. Consequently, this work discusses the technological 47 aspects associated with the manufacture of Serpa PDO cheese, in order to identify gaps 48 and limitations in microbiological and physicochemical aspects, and propose strategies to 49 overcome these issues.
Original languagePortuguese
Number of pages9
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Serpa cheese
  • PDO
  • Raw ovine milk
  • Cardoon flower
  • Technological process

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