The bond between higher education institutions and society: a scoping review about knowledge transfer and valorisation to promote sustainable development

Ana Marta Aleixo, Margarida Mano, Susana Leal, Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This chapter aims to identify how higher education institutions (HEIs) have operationalised the transfer of knowledge to society in terms of research, development, and innovation; the determinants of this process; and how the knowledge transfer to society contributes to local and regional development and sustainability. Herein, a scoping review was carried out to address this goal. Out of 197 retrieved articles, 30 met the inclusion criteria. These studies concentrate on the following themes: (1) determinants of the knowledge transfer process between HEIs and society; (2) the state of knowledge transfer in HEIs; (3) transfer knowledge to local and regional development; and (4) transfer of knowledge to sustainability. This study concludes that although different determinants influencing this collaboration have been identified, most studies reveal that the transfer level is still at a very early stage.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe impact of HEIs on regional development
    Subtitle of host publicationfacts and practices of collaborative work with SMEs
    EditorsSusana Rodrigues, Joaquim Mourato
    PublisherIGI Global Publishing
    Number of pages22
    ISBN (Electronic)9781668467039
    ISBN (Print)9781668467015
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


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