The importance of social marketing in skin cancer prevention: the case of Portugal

Susana C. Silva, Paulo Duarte, Juliana Correia

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Sun-tanned skin was once associated with the sun-exposed manual labour of individuals. However, this association has changed dramatically, and tanned skin has become a standard of beauty in Western society. Tanned skin is therefore glorified and sought after, making people feel pressured to conform to standards. Current scientific and medical studies indicate that there is a clear link between sun exposure and skin cancer and consequently with quality of life (QoL). Social marketing effects behaviour change, improving the quality of life of the target group as a result of that change. This case-study is based on social marketing campaigns by the Portuguese Skin Cancer Association warning people about the dangers of excessive sun exposure. Qualitative analysis of the benefits, challenges, and outcomes of the campaigns according to the people involved are presented and discussed. The results show that despite the campaigns devoted to sun exposure dangers, individuals have psychological resistance to adopting behaviours that have the potential to benefit their health and QoL in the future. To face the challenges of skin cancer prevention, the organisations involved must diversify the location of their campaigns, look for additional support from national and local authorities, and invest in social media marketing strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe importace of social marketing in skin cancer prevention
Subtitle of host publicationthe case of Portugal
EditorsM. Mercedes Galan-Ladero, Reynaldo G. Rivera
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9783030832865
ISBN (Print)9783030832858
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Social marketing
  • Skin cancer prevention
  • Quality of life (QoL)
  • Behavioural change


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