O novo paradigma da educação na promoção de uma sociedade mais inclusiva

Translated title of the contribution: The new paradigm of education in promoting a more inclusive society

Eduardo Duque, J. F. Durán Vázquez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The theme that we propose here is only possible because we live in the time and space in which we live. We live in it, here and now. If we were in the post-World War II period, we might possibly be discussing the "mass schooling" or, if we were in the period of May 1968, we would be debating the "university contestation." Today, however, since life offers us other opportunities, we discuss the role of education in the light of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, aware of its role in the integral development of the person. This new way of understanding education makes the world take a qualitative leap, when conceiving itself as a function of the personal development of each human being. We arrive at the real epicenter of the earthquake that shakes education and will require profound changes to the school subsystem within the education system. The school thus has the responsibility to adapt the curriculum to its students and to take options that it considers more effective in order to guarantee the success of the students - of all the students -, especially of those that manifest some type of fragility. In the article that we propose to develop, we intend to rethink not exclusively the school system - that is determinant in the formation of the person and that we will analyze by way of the school diversity -, but the educational system as a whole and we will propose that it goes farther, more to the concrete and further to the bottom to be truly inclusive, as is demanded today in contemporary societies.
Translated title of the contributionThe new paradigm of education in promoting a more inclusive society
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)27-49
Number of pages23
JournalRevista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2020


  • Education
  • Inclusion
  • Curriculum
  • Citizenship
  • Human rights


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