The Portuguese national seismic network products and services

Fernando Carrilho, Susana Custódio, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Célia Marreiros, Dina Vales, Paulo Alves, Areosa Pena, Guilherme Madureira, Maria Escuer, Graça Silveira, Carlos Corela, Luís Matias, Matilde Silva, Idalina Veludo, Nuno A. Dias, Afonso Loureiro, José F. Borges, Bento Caldeira, Piedade WachilalaJoão Fontiela*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Portugal, located in the southwest region of the Eurasian plate, has been affected by several destructive earthquakes throughout its history, the most well-known being the 1755 Great Lisbon earthquake. The seismicity of the territory, both in the mainland and in the Azores and Madeira islands, has prompted the continuous development of seismic monitoring, from the first known macroseismic inquiry, following the 1755 Great Lisbon earthquake, to the current state-of-The-Art seismic network. Once scattered in separate efforts, at present, most seismic stations in Portugal relay its data to acommon data center, at Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, where data are automatically processed for the downstream generation of both manually revised and automatically generated products and services. In this article, we summarize the evolution of the permanent seismic network, its current status, the products and services that are publicly available, a recent effort of rapid deployment of a dense network following a mainshock, and state-of-The-Art ocean-bottom seismometer developments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1541-1570
Number of pages30
JournalSeismological Research Letters
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


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