The scope of representation of trade unions in Portugal: a new reality?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review



The recent Act no. 13/2023 (the so-called “Decent Work Agenda”) introduced several changes to the Portuguese Labour Code, and, among other things, it expressly allowed, for the first time in the Portuguese legal scene, the collective representation of autonomous workers (who are economically dependent). However, the terms in which this was achieved are dubious and may entail a different framing of the traditional tasks of trade unions in the Portuguese setting. In addition, union activity in the undertaking was reinforced, since now it may take place even in companies where there is no union presence. Still, this new provision is also ambiguous and requires a tactful interpretation, to ensure its compatibility with the constitutional parameter.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-92
Number of pages18
JournalE-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Decent work agenda
  • Economically dependent self-employed workers
  • Freedom of association
  • Union activity in the undertaking


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