«The sun and the clouds»: meaning, potential and limits of the primary solidarity in Portugal in the context of Southern European welfare systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review



One of the key elements of the widely recognized distinctive character of the Southern European welfare systems is related to its specific institutional welfare arrangement, namely the role of voluntary sector and family as welfare providers. In this point of view, Southern European families play a meaningful welfare role and the informal support networks of families compensate an important part of the public welfare gaps. Although the recognition of the relevance of the social capital based on the primary solidarity as “watermark” of the South Europe countries, other perspectives underlying the need to elucidate the characteristics and limitations of informal support networks. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the meaning, potential and limits of the primary solidarity in Portugal in the context of Southern European welfare system. Theoretical and empirical bases of this paper are the debates on welfare regimes, with particular attention to the Southern European welfare state discussion, the empirical studies on family dynamics and networks in Portugal and the European and international organisations statistical information.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event7th Annual ESPAnet conference: The future of the welfare state - University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy
Duration: 17 Sept 200919 Sept 2009
Conference number: 7


Conference7th Annual ESPAnet conference


  • Primary solidarity
  • Family solidarity
  • Informal support networks
  • Portugal
  • Southern European welfare systems


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