Translators for Ukraine: a pedagogical project in social responsibility

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review



This poster aims at discussing the pedagogical initiative, “Tradutores de LEA pela Ucrânia: tradução colaborativa dos comunicados Pen” organized within the undergraduate courses “Translation of General Texts (English)” and “Translation of Literary Texts (French and German)”. This project was created to foster translation students’ reflection on their social responsibility as agents and mediators within the humanities in relation to the current crisis in the Ukraine. The students translated into Portuguese four statements issued by Pen International (in English), Pen Club France and Pen Club Germany on the different positions taken by these three associations of Poets, Essayists and Novelists in the aftermath of the attack against Ukraine on February 24. The translations were produced following a collaborative method which consisted of dividing students into groups and having them participate in each step of the translation process by writing translation briefs, translating, revising, proofreading and managing the translation project. The four translations which resulted from this project were presented and discussed in an open session that brought together the three classes involved and the president of the Pen Clube Português. The students’ translations – to be published on the Pen Clube Português’ online platforms – and the open session contributed not only to the dissemination of knowledge about this conflict and the role of translation in it, but also in raising students’ awareness about our global present. This initiative marks the first step towards a larger project in service learning that we wish to implement in the aforementioned translation teaching units at FCH.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022
EventMyResearch 2022: Disseminating Knowledge in the Global Present - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal
Duration: 1 Jun 20221 Jun 2022


SeminarMyResearch 2022


  • Translators
  • Ukraine
  • Pedagogy
  • Social responsibility


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