Tribunal Eclesiástico Metropolitano Bracarense, Decisão, 8 de setembro de 2020

Federica Dotti

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The sentence, when scrolling through the evaluation criteria of the grave defect of discretion of judgment (can. 1095, 2), with attention to the psychic maturity and freedom necessary to validly celebrate marriage, in the light of the authentic Magisterium and of the accredited doctrine, exposes the principles that must guide a fair judgment. In this perspective, it faces the question of knowledge and psychic dynamism about a truly matrimonial decision, ending up criticizing the expert report and its conclusions. Also relevant is the possible coordination between the nullity chapters of grave defect of discretion and of fear.
    Original languagePortuguese
    Pages (from-to)103-126
    Number of pages23
    JournalForum Canonicum
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021

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