Um olhar diacrónico à variação fonológica e lexical da língua gestual portuguesa no conto Capuchinho Vermelho

Neide Gonçalves*, Mara Moita, Ana Mineiro

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



Phonological and lexical diachronic variation are phenomena common to all natural languages. The present study aims to analyze the phenomena of variation in the Portuguese Sign Language in the story-tell “Capuchinho Vermelho”, through an elicitation task to two deaf signers recorded in 1992 and in 2019. Using the phonetic transcription system for sign languages, HamNoSys, 383 tokens of 20 key-items were transcribed. The main results point to a slight increase in the occurrence of the nondominant hand with a symmetrical role in the sign coarticulation and an increase in the use of phonological facial expressions. It was observed that the handshape variation is present in all phonological variation cases. Of the 20 key-items, only 3 suffered lexical variation.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationLíngua gestual portuguesa e outras línguas de sinais
Subtitle of host publicationestudos linguísticos
EditorsCelda Morgado, Ana Maria Brito
Place of PublicationPorto
PublisherUniversidade do Porto
ISBN (Electronic)9789899082021
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Diachronic variation
  • Phonology
  • Lexicology
  • Portuguese sign language

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