Who are the contemporary activists represented on Portuguese TV news and what are they fighting for?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review



The digital environment has brought new forms of activism, but television remains the privileged mean to access information for most citizens in Portugal and Europe. In this study we analyze the TV news reports that journalists identify as being about “activists” and “activism” aired on the four Portuguese free-to-air channels in 2017. By measuring which issues were given the most extensive coverage, it was possible to conclude that television news gives more airtime to international news related to political and human rights issues. In which concerns national level initiatives, more coverage is given to activist initiatives that result from movements organized in time and space. The action of activist groups that practice violent acts is not highlighted in the news. The results allow a reflection on the role of television for certain groups to be publicly positioned with legitimacy, in a time of adaptation to media convergence and technological transformation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComunicação, cidadania e movimentos sociais
Subtitle of host publicationperspectivas contemporâneas da participação cidadã
EditorsCaroline Kraus Luvizotto, Isabel Ferin Cunha
Place of PublicationAveiro
PublisherRia Editorial
Number of pages27
ISBN (Print)9789898971289
Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2020


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