Whole-plant mineral partitioning during the reproductive development of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Raul A. Sperotto*, Marta W. Vasconcelos, Michael A. Grusak, Janette P. Fett

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Minimal information exists on whole-plant dynamics of mineral flow. Understanding these phenomena in a model plant such as rice could help in the development of nutritionally enhanced cultivars. A whole-plant mineral accumulation study was performed in rice (cv. Kitaake), using sequential harvests during reproductive development panicle exertion, grain filling, and full maturity stages in order to characterize mineral accumulation in roots, non-flag leaves, flag leaves, stems/sheaths, and panicles. Partition quotient analysis showed that Fe, Zn, Cu and Ni are preferentially accumulated in roots; Mn and Mg are accumulated in leaves; Mo, Ca, and S in roots and leaves; and K in roots, leaves and stems/sheaths. Correlation analysis indicated that changes in the concentrations of mineral pairs Fe-Mn, K-S, Fe-Ni, Cu-Mg, Mn-Ni, S-Mo, Mn-Ca, and Mn-Mg throughout the reproductive development of rice were positively correlated in all four of the above ground organs evaluated, with Fe-Mn and K-S being positively correlated also in roots, which suggest that root-to-shoot transfer is not driven simply by concentrations in roots. These analyses will serve as a starting point for a more detailed examination of mineral transport and accumulation in rice plants.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0802
JournalSpanish Journal of Agricultural Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Correlation analysis
  • Elemental analysis
  • Full maturity
  • Grain filling
  • Mineral flow
  • Panicle exertion


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