A acessibilidade para pessoas surdas nos canais televisivos generalistas em sinal aberto

  • Rita de Oliveira Robalo Grossinho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Accessibility to the mass media is a right for all citizens. In Portugal, television is present in93.2% of households/ in 9 out 10 families (ANACOM, 2020), which indicates its relevance in terms of access to information and entertainment. It is important to understand whether this right is being fully ensured to the deaf population; Being deaf is not a choice, and assuch it should not be a factor of discrimination. It was with this in mind that this investigation was born, which has as object of study, the accessibility in Portuguese television in the three channels with an open signal, i.e., TP1,SIC and TVI. The dissertation aims to verify whether in practice these channels are accessible to deaf audiences, and what is the point of view of these viewers, and what professionals work with within it. To this end, exploratory interviews and a survey were carried out, and the channels television grids were analyzed. The analysis of this the me has led to the conclusion that there is a discrepancy between private channels and the public service channel, in comparison to the number of hours and genre of programs accessible to this population. On the other hand, there were also differences concerning the accessibility techniques used by the channels. According to the results, there seems to be a tendency which highlights that the media are not entirely accessible and there is still a long way to achieve this. Above all, it is necessary to make the programs more accessible through the interpretation of Portuguese Sign Language and Subtitles – the latter being the preference of the respondents. Improving the quality of interpretation, the size of the interpreter window, and the speed of subtitles in the programs are other points to be considered.
Date of Award20 Dec 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCatarina Duff Burnay (Supervisor)


  • Accessibility
  • Deafness
  • Television
  • Subtitling
  • Portuguese sign language


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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