A aplicação do marketing nas Indústrias Criativas da Região Norte de Portugal
: análise das empresas associadas da ADDICT

  • Maria Lobo Amorim (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The object of this work is the creative industry in North of Portugal. The creative industries represent sectors that have creativity as a major dimension of business, vitalizing the individual's knowledge as the main workforce - shift from the industrial to the post- industrial era - for this to be closely geared to creative expressions, which in turn generate value for companies. As a management and communication tool, marketing seeks to promote positive behaviors to corporate goals. Applied to the creative industries, has as main purpose to promote the sector and, consequently, companies that operate in this context, to establish communication between agents and the public, as well as contribute to the growth of sales of products. In North of Portugal, we identified the need to create an entity that represents the agents of the sector and act as an intermediary platform and facilitator at national and international level. Thus was founded in 2008, ADDICT - association which allowed the internship that gave course to this report. This report follows the methodology of action research and its attempt to underline the key role of the marketing for the business development in the creative industries sector, as well to indicate guidelines to consider when building a marketing strategy for companies the sector. The main results confirm that firms in the creative industries do not exploit the best way of marketing, limiting it to the communication aspect, so we demonstrate, through this study, the best implementation of marketing and what the real benefits for businesses in the creative industries sector in North of Portugal.
Date of Award21 Jul 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoana Machado (Supervisor)


  • Creative industries
  • Creativit
  • Companies
  • North Region of Portugal


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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