A biblioteca escolar e as aprendizagens
: conceções e práticas

  • Isaura da Soledade Oliveira Figueiredo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


School libraries increasingly have at their disposal different technology and the access to this innovation is currently much easier. So the role that the school library plays has to be restructured, according to the characteristics of the public that uses it and it has to be prepared for the enormous challenges that a society of knowledge poses on a daily basis. This dissertation looks at the role that the school library plays from the perspective of different members of the school community: the students, the teachers and the teacher-librarian, trying to understand its role in promoting learning skills and knowledgebuilding in secondary school students. The aims of this study were to know how students spend their time and use this space; understand how the school library provides support to teaching and promotes students’ understanding and achievements; get insight into how its initiatives are perceived by the school community; know what motivates students and teachers to use the school library; get to know the school community’s perception of the school library’s contribution to the success of the School’s Educational Project and understand how to optimise this resource from the perspective of the different members of the school community, placing it increasingly at the service of education, while maintaining its function as a resource centre. The different members of the school community revealed that, in their point of view, the school library is an important resource for student learning. However, the teachers revealed some difficulties in articulating teaching strategies with the school library, not seeing it as a partner. The view of students should be renewed, so that they can understand the many services the school library has to offer and can have a preview of its potential. Therefore, it is essential that teachers and students frequent the school library daily, alter habits, readapt teaching/learning strategies and make the school library their travel companion.
Date of Award13 Oct 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIlídia Cabral (Supervisor)


  • School library
  • Students
  • Teachers and learning


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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