A blockchain e o direito
: os smart contracts em especial

  • José Manuel Pinho Leite Rodrigues Machado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With this thesis, we propose the observatory and critical analysis of theme which importance already started manifesting, and has been rising for the last few years. The new technological advancements can create new realities, including in Law, and specifically in Contract Law. But of course, these new realities don’t come without their proper, particular, complications, which we propose to unravel in the light of the Portuguese Contract Law. By analysing the legal framework of Contract Law, the international panorama, and the main issues associated with Smart Contracts, we can expose the problems that stick, or can be found a solution for, in the already existing norms. Or, even, that don’t exist, but certainly will. We conclude this dissertation with a strong defense in favor of this type of contract, and an obstinate defense towards a fast regulation, but focused on the basics of the Smart Contracts, with its main goal of reaching European harmony and promote legal trade.
Date of Award28 Sept 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Engrácia Antunes (Supervisor)


  • Contract
  • Blockchain
  • Smart
  • Contract law


  • Mestrado em Direito

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