A Circularidade do Amor e da Fé
: uma leitura a partir dos textos de John Henry Newman

  • Pedro Manuel Lopes da Cunha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Walking through the history of 19th century reasoning would, at first glance, take us back to its rigid rationalism, still very much influenced by the Enlightenment ideals that had prevailed throughout Europe during the last two centuries. In the scope of this research, John Henry Newman will be profiled as a true seeker of truth, who would mark, by his debates and investigations, not only the thought of the century in which he lived, but also influence all the catholic theology that followed him – until our days. It will be seen that, by the circularity of his thought around the questions of love and faith, Newman reconstructs the intellectual processes of every believer, seeking to leave behind a theology based on rational proofs of God, giving way instead to new processes of reason that place the most intimate and profound side of humanity in dialogue with the Truths of God’s Revelation.
Date of Award18 Feb 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAlexandre Freire Duarte (Supervisor)


  • Faith
  • Love
  • Assent
  • Reason
  • Heart
  • John Henry Newman
  • Oxford Movement
  • Oratorians


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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