A cobertura da campanha eleitoral para as Legislativas de 2022 no Jornal da Noite da SIC

  • João Maria Lobo Côrte-Real Maldonado Correia (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research aims to understand how the coverage of the electoral campaign for the 2022 parliamentary elections was done in the reports of SIC's Jornal da Noite and, for that, a content analysis of the reports broadcasted during the last seven days of the campaign was carried out. The number of reports, their duration and time of emission, the prominence of the actors, the level of journalistic mediation, the style, the framing, the tone and the themes they deal with are evaluated. The research results show that the two major portuguese political parties, PS and PSD, were privileged in the coverage of their respective electoral campaigns. These are the parties that appear first in the line-up of Jornal da Noite, have longer reports than theothers and, on the days analysed, always register live broadcasted reports as acomplement to deferred reports. In general, with the exception of the deferred reports on the CDS party, a mostly neutral tone was registered. The style was almost entirely narrative-descriptive and the mainframing was "game-strategy", with only the reports on CHEGA being predominantly framed in "substance". It is also concluded that the leaders of the political parties werethe main protagonists of the reports, which, as a rule, rely more on journalists' voice overthan on statements of political actors.
Date of Award23 May 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNelson Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Electoral campaign
  • Jornal da Noite
  • Political journalism
  • Television journalism
  • Politics
  • SIC


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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