A competência intercultural na aprendizagem de espanhol língua estrangeira
: a cultura da alimentação em Espanha

  • Emília de Jesus Teixeira de Faria Leite (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


A foreign language, considered in its functional dimension, is a tool for personal andoften professional interaction. To be proficient in the use of language, in addition to semantic,phonetic, vocabulary and grammatical acquisition, we need to get into the intimacy of nativespeaker’s culture. Language is not a simple communication tool, which resounds in the void,as if it were a barren conventional code. Instead, it is surrounded by fertile cultural andbehavioral patterns, which are the arrival point for knowledge and traditions and the startingpoint for intercultural meetings. In this Report, we research the need to develop interculturalcompetence in teaching Espanhol Língua Estrangeira, therefore, we propose the theme of foodculture in Spain as a work environment to motivate and organize the language teachingactivities. We applied a teaching practice to a 7th grade class, which demonstrated that teachingand learning actions, in addition to communicative skills, should also focus on the social andcultural dimension of the target language-speaking community, in its form of be, think, feel andact. Furthermore, we found that the Spanish diet proved to be perfectly endowed with sufficient potential to develop all the necessary skills for teaching Spanish, at proficiency level A1.
Date of Award26 May 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorInmaculada Concepción Báez-Montero (Supervisor)


  • Culture
  • Interculturality
  • Food
  • Gastronomy
  • Gastronomy didactics


  • Mestrado em Ensino do Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário

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