A comunicação da aeronáutica do Brasil na cobertura de acidentes aéreos

  • Henry Wilson Munhoz Wender (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main goal of this thesis is to analyze to what extent the Air Force´s communication strategy, regarding the media coverage of air accidents, contributes to a positive perception of the institution in society. This point is relevant since CENIPA, the Air Force´s organization responsible for investigating air accidents in Brazil, does not seek for guilty ones, but only contributing factors for future prevention, a position that disappoints the desire of the victims' families. This way of working has led families to look for the Judiciary´s permission in order to use the documents produced by CENIPA as an attempt to identify culprits. The theme also grows in importance because of Law nº 12,970, approved in Brazil in 2014. According to it, the investigation data produced by CENIPA should be preserved, an act that goes against the interest of victims´ families of air accidents. Considering that the press plays a mediating role between the Air Force and the public interested in getting information on air accidents, a bibliographical research was conducted with emphasis on the influence of the press to the social construction of reality, especially considering the concepts developed by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The deontology in the press work and the work methodology of air accident investigators from the Air Force were also taken into account. Interestingly, both the press and researchers have similar work practices around the world. In addition, a documental research was carried on aiming to evaluate whether the documents guiding the Air Force´s communication are consistent with the researched bibliography, as well as with the journalism deontology and CENIPA´s work methodology. Besides those surveys, many testimonials were collected from the professionals who worked directly on major air accidents in Brazil. Finally, a number of suggestions is presented in the Social Communications´ area, in order to warn on the avalanche of criticism that should arise in the Brazilian society since the Law No. 12,970 is already a reality. This could be noticed, for instance, in the 2014 air accident that killed a Brazilian´s candidate of the presidency.
Date of Award13 May 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNelson Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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