A comunicação externa em empresas de consultoria
: o caso da Triple A - Capital & Finance

  • Rita Cláudia Martins Ribeiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In an increasingly competitive and innovative society, it is mandatory the use of communication tools in order to promote the companies and enable them to get a prominent place in the market. A literature review on the subject and its comparison with the reality experienced at Triple A - Capital & Finance, during the internship period emphasizes this premise. This paper arise from the lack of a well-designed communication strategy by the company, already identified by the firm. Given the above, it was decided to develop an integrated marketing communication plan in order to increase the market share and the notoriety of the company. The methodology used in this paper was action-research, a systematic research process that allows the suggestion of effective solutions to real problems. The results of this study propose a set of tactics, whose implementation is realistic and achievable, and that may act as a catalyst for behavioural change of consumers, towards the company. This paper reinforce the idea that external communication is essential to the success of an organization. Communication is not a static process and therefore the plan and presented actions should be constantly updated and adapted to the company.
Date of Award14 Jul 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCarla Martins (Supervisor) & João Luís Andrade Serra Moreira de Campos (Co-Supervisor)


  • Communication
  • Integrated marketing communications
  • Plan of integrated marketing communication
  • Professional services
  • Consultancy


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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