A comunicação interna em rede como geradora de motivação, envolvimento e participação nas organizações
: estudo de caso UNICER

  • Margarida Ghira Ramos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The culture and organizational behavior define what is an organization and what it represents for its employees. As the two concepts are closely linked, are altered simultaneously where there is the presence of changes in organizations. In fact, the use of a technology is a social and cultural change indicator. As organizations made of and by people, their comfort, satisfaction and integration are priority elements in an organization so that it would result in a positive performance, which becomes a competitive advantage. Communication is no longer part of the scenes and became a leading actress of the organizations, assuming the role of mediator between the organization and its employees. With the increasing encroachment of new technologies in society, organizational dynamics changed and the digital internal communication occupied a prominent place in the communication strategy of the organizations thanks to some of its virtues: speed, simplicity and flexibility. The Intranet is a good example of what I mentioned, since it has the ability to connect individuals, regardless of geographic space, allowing a dynamic interaction. This study has the general objective to realize what meaning the Intranet Unicer has for employees, analyzing whether this is in line with their needs and expectations and what is your contribution as a promoter of motivation, in order to stimulate participation active and constant involvement in organizational dynamics.
Date of Award19 Dec 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Goulart Brandão (Supervisor)


  • Organizational behavior
  • Participative management
  • New technologies
  • Internal communication


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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