A (con)celebração eucarística
: signum unitatis: o significado teológico da concelebração eucarística no Concílio Vaticano II e nos documentos da reforma litúrgica

  • Francisco Maria Amaral Santos da Costa Alves (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In this dissertation, we study the understanding of the theological meaning of eucharistic concelebration in the discussions and documents of the Second Vatican Council and the postconciliar liturgical reform. In the first chapter, we try to draw up a conceptual and historical synthesis of some themes related to our main subject: the concept of «celebrating» the liturgy as initially a collective concept and not just a ministerial one, «concelebration» as an ecclesial celebration, and not just as a celebration of various priestly ministers. Furthermore, to present the Christian priesthood in its twofold manifestation (royal and ministerial) as a reality that is closely linked to the eucharistic concelebration. In the second chapter, we try to present some sources that allow us to recognise what theological significance has been given to eucharistic concelebration over time. In the Ancient Church, concelebration was a sign of the communion of the Local Church, of eucharistic hospitality and of the unity of the «priestly order» (Bishop and presbyters). In the Middle Ages, we focus on the reality of the celebration of so-called «private Masses» and on the Scholastic debates about the possibility of «co-consecration» (the positions varied). For all this, eucharistic concelebration had become rare in the Latin context, manifesting above all the priestly ministerial exercise of the power to consecrate the eucharistic oblation. In the third chapter, we present the contribution of the Liturgical Movement: emphasise that concelebration manifests the unity of the Church. In the conciliar debates, there is a balance between the ecclesiological meaning and the concern to theologically understand concelebration as a ministerial priestly collegial action. In the liturgical reform, the threefold unity present in the conciliar reflection emerges openly. The eucharistic concelebration manifests more clearly: the unity of the Sacrifice of the Cross, of the ministerial priesthood and of the entire people of God.
Date of Award20 Dec 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoaquim Félix (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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