A criação de mega-agrupamentos no Concelho do Porto

  • Jorge Manuel Ramalho Oliveira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This Reflective and Theoretically Grounded Report consists of two parts: the first covers the period 1985-2013, when I look back on my career, I reflect on certain moments, giving particular emphasis to intermediate leadership positions I have held. In the second part, with identical timeline, I make a retrospective of the evolutionary process leading to the formation of large organic units of educational management, then entering the analysis of its extension in the municipality of Porto. In the conclusion, beyond the necessary learning from the work carried out, brief reflections are exposed on themes that articulate with some of the concerns expressed. This work also has a set of maps and pictures, placed in a space that is identified as Annex I, which is relevant to better illustrate the focus on the municipality of Porto. In conducting the study, there was a concern not only to support but also to theoretically enrich the narrative and reflections produced, by exposing certain divergent positions, in order to see how difficult is the analysis of certain reforms in Portuguese education in recent years, causing contradictory critical views. The formation of large organic units in education is regarded with concern by most critics, because they consider that they are a step backwards in educational quality, in part because it may reflect the dilution of leadership or the weakening of professional cohesion. Advocating a school that thinks and reflects, promoting the dynamics of collaborative effort, promoting the intrinsic value of knowledge in the centrality of work in the classroom, these are some of the challenges that must not weaken the application ability of its staff due to the volatility of laws and decisions.
Date of Award24 Jan 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCristina Palmeirão (Supervisor)


  • Structure
  • Professional career
  • Mega school clusters
  • Porto
  • Reflections


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Administração e Organização Escolar

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