A criminalização da violência obstétrica
: uma necessidade jurídico-penal?

  • Marina Alexandra Bessa Sousa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation aims to study a theme that has overwhelmed the media and social networks, obstetric violence. It portrays a series of behaviors that violate women's constitutionally protected rights. This analysis is based on national and international studies, which result in frightening reports of the practices carried out by health professionals in health facilities, but also of international legislation and recommendations that have emerged as a response to this problem. In this sense, it is intended to assess whether there is, in Portugal, a legal-criminal need, namely to criminalize these conducts, or whether our legal system already has sufficient mechanisms to guarantee the protection of the legal assets at stake here.
Date of Award16 Sept 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Paula Ribeiro de Faria (Supervisor)


  • Obstetric violence
  • Criminalization
  • Woman's rights


  • Mestrado em Direito

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