A cultura na disciplina de espanhol língua-cultura estrangeira
: um estudo de caso didactológico no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico em Portugal

  • Ana Paula de Sousa Abreu (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present Training Report is positioned at the point of confluence of Didactology of Languages-Cultures, of the Spanish Teaching and the corresponding Pedagogical-didactic supervision, which emerges under the Master in Teaching of Portuguese at the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and at the Secondary Education, and Spanish at the Basic and Secondary Education of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Regional Centre of Braga of the Portuguese Catholic University. Its essential purpose, while an essay, is to report the study and respective research of the educational approach under a didactological point of view of the problem of (inter)relationship of language and culture components in the discipline of Spanish Foreign Language-Culture at the Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education. Taking into account the scientific referential systems on and by Languages-Cultures, this study finds that the didactological consubstantiality of the language and culture is not considered within the didactographic records that support the teaching-learning practices of Spanish Foreign Language-Culture in the Portuguese school context. As a result of this finding, this study, whose implementation has by framework the supervised teaching practice of Spanish as the disciplinary component of the training of the author of the present document, a teaching practice that took place in the school year 2013/2014, is based in terms of educational priority, a didactolgical approach of the corresponding problematic. The research whose results are described in this Training Report presents a project of conception, construction and production that is prototypical of dictatographical records supporting teaching-learning, which are capable to supply and show the relevance as much declarative as procedural of the didactological consubstantiality principle of the components of the object language-culture in the discipline Spanish Foreign Language-Culture under the Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education. The overall results of this study, in general, and the respective research results, in particular, allow to conclude that the adoption of the didactological referential system of consubstantiality of the language and culture can be considered in essential and operative terms in the didactographical plan of Spanish Language-Culture Foreign within the corresponding school discipline at the contemporary Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education.
Date of Award3 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJacques Fernandes da Silva (Supervisor)


  • Didactology of language-culture
  • Didactics of spanish
  • Spanish foreign language
  • Culture
  • Language-culture


  • Mestrado em Ensino do Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário

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