A cultura visual como recurso educativo no ensino das artes visuais

  • João César Gonçalves Ribeiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present work intends to describe a study on the teaching practice on the professional training in Arts teaching. The conviction of the importance of Arts for the students’ personal, social and cultural expression, as key competences to develop through the articulation of various forms of knowledge, besides the awareness of the current practice in the Arts teaching that is centered only in the execution, led us to propose the implementation of a pedagogical intervention model for the school subject Arts. In this sense, we have deepened some ideas and concepts on the visual culture as a pedagogical resource in the teaching of Arts through the use of images of art pieces/works in the classroom context. As a methodological suggestion, were explored some pedagogical methods suggested by the following theorists: “Proposta Triangular” by Ana Mae Barbosa (1991), “Primeiro – Olhar” by João Pedro Fróis (2000), as well as “Estádios de Desenvolvimento Estético” by Abigail Housen (2000), that were valuable references for the implementation of the pedagogical practice. As a research line, we have drawn up a set of activities aimed for the exercise of the visual culture, through the analysis and interpretation of work of art images, as well as the production of plastic expression works. The main aim was to know if students are able to identify and verbalize properly the concepts learnt in the different didactic units of the subject, and how they transfer this knowledge to the plastic expression works. The content of verbal comments made by students, in what concerned the pictures, as well as the register of the drawings, were analyzed qualitatively, allowing us to conclude that this type of experiences and apprenticeships were very important to understand the See, Think and Do methodology in the teaching of Arts, along with the development of our teaching skills.
Date of Award17 Jul 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Helena Palhinha (Supervisor)


  • Visual culture
  • Active pedagogy
  • Competences
  • Visual arts
  • Triangular methodology


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário

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