A ecologia integral como promoção do bem comum
: o cuidado da casa comum : uma proposta pedagógica à luz da UL4 : Paz Universal

  • Sandra de Jesus Belo Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Nowadays we are confronted daily by the media with conflicts and situations dealing with ecology. This subject should be tackled in a multidisciplinary way, encompassing several fields of knowledge. Pope Francis, in the Encyclical Laudato Si', approaches these subjects by proposing a notion of an integral ecology in which he relates environmental ecology with human ecology. It is in this dialogue that pushing for the general well-being should take place, the best for each and every one, for which it is equally demanded a commitment to peace-building and the making of a more humane world, of more brotherly and more sustainable. The purpose of this Final Report on the Practice of Supervised Teaching is to develop a reflection on the integral ecology and the promotion of the general well-being, and also making a new proposal of teaching for Course Unit 4: "Universal Peace", taught on 7th grade's Catholic Moral and Religious Education.
Date of Award12 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAntónio Martins (Supervisor) & Juan Ambrosio (Co-Supervisor)


  • EMRC
  • Ecology
  • Environmental Ecology
  • Human Ecology
  • Integral Ecology
  • Very Common
  • Peace
  • Social Peace
  • Laudato Si’
  • Common House
  • Care
  • Human Rights


  • Mestrado em Ciências Religiosas

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