A evolução do quotidiano prisional em Portugal
: o caso da cadeia de Braga

  • Donzília Manuela da Silva Coelho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research aim to study the impact that prison system has on individuals, particularly, in their daily lives, as well as developments that had been recorded in subjects such as health, education, employment and the prison population. Being known as "enclosed" institutions, prisons have been undergoing several changes in its form of facing and dealing with prisoners. Until the eighteenth century, the human body was seen as an object, on which laied the punishment, applied in the public square, without any regard for the dignity and integrity of the criminal has an individual. With the emergence and dissemination of Enlightenment ideas, begins a process to humanization of penalties. The prison becomes the punishment imposed on criminals. However, this was an institution that never helped in the prisoner, but on the contrary, further corrupting his soul. The penal laws experienced changes and the prison also began to perform a regenerative and a social inclusion to the inmate, using the most appropriate means to change their behavior, namely, education, work and leisure time. The present study focuses on Braga's prison and tries to know its population and their everyday lives, to analyze the evolution that has been in operation, the difficulties faced and ideas to solve, for example, in regard to the problem of overcrowding on the prison space and the organization of activities for all prisoners.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAlexandra Patrícia Lopes Esteves (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Serviço Social

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